
The Center for Real Estate has several scholarships/awards available for real estate students during the 2024-25 academic semesters. These awards are for:

  • Undergraduate students who have taken at least two (2) real estate courses or who are currently enrolled in their second real estate course; and
  • Graduate students who are pursuing a concentration in real estate.

Most of the scholarships are sponsored by professional real estate organizations. Applications are screened by Real Estate Center faculty/staff; selection of the award recipient is made by the sponsoring organization.


  • Byrl N. Boyce Valuation Scholarship
  • Carl F. Traub Memorial Scholarship
  • Connecticut Association of Realtors Past Presidents’ Scholarship
  • Debbie C. Philips Scholarship Fund
  • Greater Hartford Association of REALTORS® Commercial Real Estate Council
  • ICSC International Council of Shopping Centers Foundation – William Holmes/Hart Advisors Scholarship
  • Konover Coppa Family Fund for the School of Business Center for Real Estate
  • Dr. Marc A. Louargand Memorial Fellowship Endowment
  • Ned Heberger Student Fund
  • Society of Industrial and Office Realtors/Samuel F. Pierson Scholarship
  • Stephen Messner School of Business Scholarship Fund
  • William N. Kinnard, Jr. Scholarship

Applications for these scholarships will be available at the start of the Fall25 Semester.

In addition to filling out this 1) online application form, please write a 2) one page essay on why you have chosen real estate as a field of study and (if applicable) your most meaningful internship/job experience. You will also need to submit an 3) unofficial transcript, and 4) current resume. The essay, transcript and resume can be submitted (uploaded) at the end of this form or dropped off at the Real Estate Center. You will have to stop by the Real Estate Center in person to sign a 5) Disclosure Form.

The deadline to apply will be September 26, 2025. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.

Questions? Contact Kathryn O’Leary at or call (860) 486-3227.

Outside Scholarship Application Opportunities:

UConn Scholarships